Tuesday, April 2, 2013


And the race has begun!  14 years ago yesterday, my life changed forever.  I became a mom! I thought it only fitting to start my journey to my life changing again on that anniversary. 

The first area that I focusing on this week is MY HEALTH.  I have started a 200 mile challenge.  I will walk, run, hike or bike 200 miles by October 31st.  For those of you who think this is no biggie because you run marathons and participate in Iron Man triathalons,  please realize that I am 50 lbs overweight and as of a month ago, had never lasted on any exercise program longer than a few days.  I hate to sweat.  I hate to breathe hard. I hate to feel that my face is hot. And I hate to have my heart pound.  I'm pretty sure I am allergic to exercise. :) Which is pretty much why I am 50 lbs overweight. :(   That and I love food.  Love love love food! 

So my health needs a major overhaul.  The doctor has been telling me that for a while now. But it wasn't until I received hand me down fat clothes from 3 people (yes, three) in a two month period that I realized the slim person I saw in the mirror was merely a figment of my imagination.  Or a recurring dream from years past.  So I got into a sports tank and some short-ish swim shorts and asked my daughter to take a pic.  Two pics actually.  Front and side view. Oh. My. Gracious.  That person in those pics is so so not the same person that was featured in my wedding photos.

Recently we moved to the most amazingly beautiful place in the entire world.  I'm pretty sure it was the Garden of Eden in its former life.  And it just happens to have a deep blue reservoir that is encircled by a four mile trail.  And it happens to be just about a hundred yards from my house.  Hence the 200 mile plan! 
Each glass bead represents one mile.  And yes, there are 200 of them - I counted.  The idea is simple but motivating!  When I get done with walking, running (which honestly probably won't happen much), biking, etc., I grab a bead from one jar and plink it into the other jar! 
And so it begins.  Tomorrow will be my first day to hit the trail.  I'm actually excited!

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