Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kiss to Build a Dream On.....

In the beginning, 15 + years ago, it was like this:

Admit it.  It was like that for you too.  Fireworks.  Falling stars.  Tingles up and down your spine.  A bit faster of a heart beat.  Okay - a lot faster of a heart beat. 

And then time passed.  Maybe kids came along.  In our case 4 of them.  And quite a few foster kids in between.  There have been trials and tribulations.  Stress and more stress.  Money issues.  Job issues.  Stay-At-Home Mom blues.  I'm getting fatter blues.  Blues in general.  Real life set in. The fairy tale of the Princess and Prince Charming seemed to get lost in the hurrying out the door to work, cleaning up children's vomit, and falling into bed exhausted. It now seems like the Cinderella part of the fairy tale is the day to day reality.  Some of the spark is gone.  Some days it seems like we are two adults merely occupying the same space for a few hours as we try to meet the needs of everyone else.  Church callings, kids activities, homework, housework, yard work, work work, everything else comes first.  My hubby and I are best friends.  I can tell him anything and everything.  He is my strength and my shoulder to lean on (and cry on).
  But lately, this is how I feel the "romance" in our lives looks:

A kiss.  Blown as he heads out the door for work. Blown as one of us runs a child to soccer and the other runs one to Scouts.  Blown as he takes off for a meeting at the church while I put four cranky kids to bed.  Blown through the window as he works trimming the trees in our yard while I throw dinner together. Blown as he watches the news and I mess around on his IPAD.  Blown as I drift off to sleep as he showers so he can be up at zero-dark-thirty to go to work. 

And I want to change that.  In another 15 years, our kids will all be out of the house.  Or close to it.  They better be.  Fifteen years from now, he'll be retired.  And it will just be my hubby and me.  Like it was at the beginning.  While I know that friendship is the most important part of a lasting marriage and relationship, I want there to be plenty of kissing too.  Not just kind blown to each other across the wind as we sail the separate directions of our lives.  The kind that have to happen with arms around each others necks and faces close together.

To start out with, I am going to make sure that the first face he sees (whenever possible) as he walks in the door from a hard day at work is mine.  And I will kiss him.  Right on the lips.  Not on the cheek as he passes by me at the computer.  Not on the forehead as I walk past him while he is eating a snack.  Full on the lips kiss. 
So that as we grow older, we'll look like this. 
And we will be back to looking for any excuse at all to touch, to cuddle and to steal a kiss.  We'll be one of those old couples that everyone sees and sighs and wishes that their forever looks like that.

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