Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Almost ready!

I've been thinking about this plan for so long!  I can't believe that it is just about time to start.  Part of me wants to just do all 49 goals all at once and be "practically perfect in every way" immediately. But the other part of me knows that I tend to get overwhelmed really easy, I have a fairly short attention span and there is no possible way I can keep everything straight in my head.  :)

I guess a little background would be nice for y'all who are reading this.  I have 4 wonderful kids that sometime drive me completely crazy but most of the time I adore.  The oldest is A - she is 14.  Next comes D - he is almost 11.  C is 6 1/2.  The baby, M, is almost 5.  The oldest two are biological and the youngest two are adopted (not bio siblings).  We were foster parents in our state for 6 years and have had experiences with more kid issues than I ever knew existed.  We did adopt the two youngest from foster care and have been blessed that so far, their issues seem minor.  My hubby, K, and I have been married for 15 1/2 years and have an awesome marriage.  We have our moments of frustration as we seem to be opposites in lots of ways.  But we are completely on the same team on the things that matter.  He is a very quiet introvert who loves sports, mountain biking, skiing, etc.  I am a semi quiet extrovert who loves reading, staying inside and never taking an unnecessary risk.  Needless to say, that combo keeps things interesting but somewhat balanced in our home.

I'm sure more of our story will weave its way into the posts and you'll get to know me and my family fairly well.  Hopefully those that already know us won't think any less of me and those who don't know us won't judge me too harshly.  I am planning on being quite honest and open and may occasionally say things that aren't exactly politically correct.  The whole focus is self-improvement.  And I have A LOT of areas I need to improve. 

I'm hoping to give background on each goal as well as a couple of updates each month.  Feel free to comment but I do reserve the right to edit comments if they are not appropriate.

Seven months and 4 days to go!

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